Report by Omoniyi Owoeye



The meeting commenced at 8:00pm WAT, 9:00pm CET with a welcome address delivered by the Chairman of the Committee.  Mrs. OMONIYI OGODO-BACH gave the report of the last meeting which was adopted by the house.  Afterwards, the agenda of the day commenced:-

* The possible date of the mentoring program would be suggested and deliberated and a tentative date would be agreed upon.

* The time of commencement of the event was also deliberated and compromise was reached for 11:00am and to last for just three hours.

* The possible venue was also looked into and agreement was reached that the event should be held at Ibadan, the capital city of Oyo State.

Two possible venues were also suggested, University of Ibadan and Ibadan Polytechnics. It was said that steps should be taken to secure a multi-purpose hall in any of the two Institutions.

* Deliberation was also made as to the possible projected population of participants to be expected which will be the bedrock of logistical preparation for the event and it was agreed that One thousand (1,000) participants should be projected.

* It was also discussed that Mrs. OMONIYI OGODO-BACH should drop sample of registration form to be filled by participants which can be used as sample and afterward be posted on the website for interested Youths of the public.  Also, draft copy of Mentees‘ consent form and Agreement form should be made for consideration.

* Finally, it was said that proper and attractive captions that are capable of drawing the interest of the Youths towards the event should be used and well publicised for adequate awareness.

The meeting was brought to a close at 9:09pm WAT, 10:09pm CET.



The Committee on Mentoring Program met for the first time in a virtual environment (Jitsi Meet) on the 15th June 2021.  The meetings was held in preparation for the Mentoring Program.  Before the commencement of the meetings, notice was sent on the Whatapp platform of the committee by Mrs. Omoniyi Ogodo-Bach, the initiator of the Program.

IKH Logo Mentoring Program
Photo: IKH e. V. (Omoniyi Ogodo-Bach, Initiator of the Mentoring Program) 

Four of the committee members attended the first meeting on June 15, 2021:  Omoniyi Ogood-Bach, Dr Samuel Olaleye, Eng. Daniel Eromosele and Omoniyi Owoeye.  The Chair of the Mentoring Committee, Dr Samuel Olaleye called the meeting to order at 9.15 pm German time and 8.15 pm Nigerian time on June 15, 2021 and Mrs Omoniyi Ogodo-Bach acted as secretary of the meeting.  With four members of the Committee in attendance, a quorum of the members was present and the meeting duly convened began. The committee discussed about the challenges the youths are facing in the Nigerian society.  The framework for the Mentoring Program, which are:  Creating a database for the program. Choosing of target group, that is, young people between 17 to 30 years old. Writing and submission of proposals from the Mentees.  Collecting and sorting of proposals into different groups of interest.  Duration of the Program. Sourcing for Mentors with integrity and commitment.  Registration form for the Mentees.  Agreement/Commitment form for the Mentors.  Feedback from the Mentors to the Mentoring Committee.  Evaluation of the program.  Lastly, the committee discussed on organising a Seminar/Conference which will give a general orientation about the program and where the Mentors and Mentees would meet and be sorted in different groups of interest.  The Committee member agreed November 2021 as tentative date for the event.


IKH Logo Mentoring Program
Photo: IKH

The Committee on Mentoring Program (CMP) is a newly formed committee in which the members will meet regularly to plan mentoring programs for youths and students.  The committee believes that mentoring is a professional responsibility.  Hence, the Committee on Mentoring Program (CMP) is focused on providing meaningful mentoring expertise to support the professional development of Nigerian Youths / Students in entrepreneurship. The Committee will engage in the professional, cultural and personal support of the mentees, which will be in the foreground. 

Mrs Omoniyi Ogodo-Bach, the initiator of the Committee of Mentoring Program (CMP).

Members of the Committee on Mentoring Program (CMP) are:

  1. Rev. Dr Samuel Olaleye – The Chairman of the Committee
  2. Mrs Omoniyi Ogodo-Bach
  3. Eng. Daniel Eromosele
  4. Mrs Nike Victor-Tade
  5. Mr. Omoniyi Owoeye

Committee Goals and objectives are:

  • The committee will facilitate the Mentoring Programs, which might be annually. Such programs which match mentors, mentees and peer mentors. Also, such programs will promote leadership skills of the mentees, provide support in career planning and coping with complex work situations etc.
  • Developing partnerships and programs with professional individuals or organisations both at national and international level.
  • Recruits members to volunteer their time as peer mentors, mentors and mentees in the Mentoring Programs.
  • Collects resources for best practices in successful mentoring relationships.
  • Develops and refines professional materials to support a successful start to the mentoring relationship.
  • Provides mentoring-focused Webpage and resources for future members of the Mentoring Programs.
  • Solicits and acts upon the feedbacks from the participants about the effectiveness of the programs and engages in continual program improvement.
  • The Committee will also organize program events for mentors and mentees at the annual conference of the organisation.
  • The Committee members will engage in scholarly activities which include presentations at regional, national and international meetings.
  • The Committee will organise the venue, analyse program data, prepare written materials and make other necessary arrangements for the success of the Mentoring Program.


Made In Nigeria 2022

Ausstellung für Innovation und Erfindung

Ibadan, Oyo-State – Nigeria

Die Ausstellung  wird die aktuelle technologische Situation und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Nigeria reflektieren. „MADE IN NIGERIA“ – Ausstellung für Innovation und Erfindung 2022 – wird in Ibadan, Bundesstaat Oyo in Nigeria stattfinden. Die Ausstellung dauert zwei Tage und am dritten Tag wird eine Preisverleihung stattfinden. Dies dient dazu, die Leistungen und die harte Arbeit einiger Innovatoren und Erfinder anzuerkennen. Die Preise werden an die besten Innovatoren und Erfinder verschiedener Marken und Produkte vergeben, es werden Auszeichnungen für Kreativität, beste Unternehmen, Schulen und Universitäten geben. 



English version:

„MADE IN NIGERIA“ – Innovation and Invention Exhibition 2022. Ibadan, Oyo-State – Nigeria

The exhibition will reflect on the present technological situation and economic development in Nigeria.  „MADE IN NIGERIA“ – Innovation and Invention Exhibition 2022 will be held in Ibadan, Oyo-State – Nigeria.  The exhibition will last for two days and there would be an award night on the third day.  This is to recognise the achievements and hard work of some innovators and inventors.  The awards would be given to best innovators and inventors of different brands and products, there would be awards for creativity, best enterprises, schools and universities.

Afrikas Leid mit Corona – Es wird schlimmer

Der Kampf gegen das Virus anrichtet mehr schaden als das Virus selbst. Die Situation is immer noch die gleiche und es wird schlimmer.


Foto von Omoniyi Ogodo-Bach, Präsidentin Interkulturelles Haus e. V. und IKH Saar e. V.

Die aktuelle Situation in Afrika:

In zu kurzer Zeit hat das Virus das Gesundheitssystem in Afrika überlastet.  Die Krankheiten auf dem Kontinent wie Tuberkolose, Malarie vervielfachen sich. Andere Krankheiten Masern, Durchfallerkrankungen, Lungenentzündungen Kriegsverletzte, chronische Erkrankungen können nicht behandelt werden. Zusätzlich, bricht die Wirtschaft ein: Kapitalabfluss,  Abwertung der Währung – Einbruch der Rohstoffpreise und des Tourismus, Transportkosten steigen/Lieferketten (z.B. für imprägnierte Moskitonetze) sind unterbrochen. Grundnahrungsmittel sind während der Corona-Krise auch teurer geworden.

Eine Schätzung ist, dass mehr als 100 000 Menschen ihr Leben verlieren aufgrund der indirekten Auswirkungen Pandemie.

„Essen und Trinken hält Leib und Seele zusammen“ so sagt ein Sprichwort.  Essen und Trinken gehören zu den täglichen Grundbedürfnissen der Menschen.  Die schwierige Fragen sind: Wie geht es weiter?  Wann wird die Corona-Krise endlich vorbei sein?  Die Fragen, die niemand konkret beantworten kann.  Die Bevölkerung wissen nicht, wie es weiter geht.